New Mexico State Trust Lands Ownership (by PLSS Subdivision)



Trust Lands, Surface Ownership, Subsurface Ownership, Beneficiary, New Mexico


Polygons of New Mexico State Trust Lands by PLSS subdivision (quarter-quarter, lot, tract, or partial).


This data set delineates New Mexico State Trust Lands at the subdivision or parcel level. The data set was built using semi-automated mapping procedures. Land records from the Land Information Management System (LIMS) were processed against the BLM Public Lands Survey System (PLSS) grid (CADNSDI Version 2) where it is available or against an alternate source (PLSS Infill or GCDB). Ownership polygons were copied from the PLSS grid. The data is further edited from boundary descriptions present in deeds and plats.

Projection: UTM Zone 13N - NAD83 (meters)


Label: Meridian

Definition: Principal meridian

Domain Values:

23: New Mexico principal meridian.

Label: Township

Definition: Township, township fraction, and township direction.

Label: Range

Definition: Range, range fraction, and range direction.

Label: Section

Definition: Section number.

Label: SurveyType

Definition: Survey type.

Domain Values:

A: Aliquot

B: Residual aliquot

E: Metes and Bounds

G: Land Grant

H: Homestead Entry (HES)

J: Small tract/holding claim

K: Townsite block

L: Lot

M: Mineral Survey (MS)

N: Townsite

P: Parcel

T: Tract (cadastral)

U: Unnumbered Lot

W: Water

X: Exchange

Z: Protraction

Label: Aliquot

Definition: Aliquot part, lot number or other parcel designator.

Label: Benef_Surf

Definition: Beneficiary of surface leases (commercial, renewable energy, agricultural) by PLSS subdivision.

Label: Benef_SubS

Definition: Beneficiary of subsurface leases (minerals, oil/gas) by PLSS subdivision.

Beneficiary Domain Values: (Additional information regarding trust beneficiaries.)

01: Common Schools

02: University of New Mexico

03: Saline Lands, University of New Mexico

04: New Mexico State University

05: Western New Mexico University

06: New Mexico Highlands University

07: Northern New Mexico College

08: Eastern New Mexico University

09: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

10: New Mexico Military Institute

11: New Mexico Boys School

12: New Mexico Boys School

13: New Mexico State Hospital

14: New Mexico Penitentiary

15: New Mexico School for the Hearing Impaired

16: New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped

17: Charitable, Penal, and Reform

18: Irrigation Reservoirs

19: Improvements to the Rio Grande

20: Capital (Public) buildings

21: Carrie Tingley Hospital

22: State Park Commission

23: Common schools

24: Eastern New Mexico University Normal

25: Territorial normals

26: New Mexico Schools for Hearing/Visually Handicapped

27: Common schools

28: New Mexico State University

29: Charitable, Penal, and Reform

30: New Mexico School for Hearing/Visually Handicapped

31: New Mexico School for the Hearing Impaired

32: New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped

33: Improvements to the Rio Grande

34: New Mexico State Hospital

35: New Mexico Military Institute

36: New Mexico Miners Colfax Medical Center

37: New Mexico Western University/Highlands University

38: New Mexico Penitentiary

39: Capital (Public) buildings

40: New Mexico Boys School

41: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

42: New Mexico State University

43: Irrigation Reservoirs

44: Long term lease

45: Saline Lands, University of New Mexico

Label: Acres_Surf

Definition: Surface ownership acreage within a PLSS subdivision.

Label: Acres_SubS

Definition: Subsurface ownership acreage within a PLSS subdivision.

Label: OwnCode

Definition: Ownership code.

Domain Values:

0: Trust Land Surface Ownership

1: Trust Land Subsurface Ownership

2: Trust Land Surface AND Subsurface Ownership


Land Office Geographic Information Center (LOGIC)
NM State Land Office
PO Box 1148
Santa Fe, NM  87504

Use limitations

These data are subject to change without notice. No warranty is made by the New Mexico State Land Office as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of these data.


West -109.326864   East -102.945680
North 37.037851   South 31.309795