New Mexico State Land Office
GIS Data Download
Terms of Use
These data are produced and maintained by the New Mexico State Land Office and are provided as is. The New Mexico State Land Office assumes no responsibility or liability for, or in connection with, the accuracy, reliability, or use of the information provided herein. Moreover, these data do not constitute an official record of title. Matters concerning land title should be directed to the Records Division of the New Mexico State Land Office.
Downloading these data sets indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions as defined above.

Feature Class Description Revision Date* Metadata Download
New Mexico State Trust Lands By Subdivision
Provides a detailed delineation of state trust lands. Each nominal PLSS subdivision (aliquot, lot, tract, or analogous subdivision) of trust land is delineated by surface ownership, subsurface ownership, or both estates.

slo_STLStatusCombined_Own.shp New Mexico State Trust Lands by Estate
Provides an aggregate delineation of state trust lands. The data consists of three multi-part polygons dissolved on ownership estate (surface ownership, subsurface ownership, or both estates).

Active Agricultural Leases
Delineates active Agricultural leases on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

Active Commercial Leases
Delineates active Commercial leases on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

Active Renewable Energy Leases
Delineates active Renewable Energy leases on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

Active Mineral Leases
Delineates active Minerals leases on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

Active Oil and Gas Leases
Delineates active Oil and Gas leases on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

Active Rights of Way
Delineates active Rights of Way on state trust lands dissolved on lease number.

8.3 Mb
R-111-P Potash District Boundaries
Delineates the potash district as set forth in New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission Order R-111-P.

11 Kb
Geologic Regions
Delineates general boundaries of subsurface geologic basins and uplifts of New Mexico and their influence on oil and gas production within the state.

102 Kb

*The date of the latest revision listed in the table corresponds to the actual date when the data was last updated and may be different from the date of the downloaded zip file. All lease data are exported weekly, even if there was no revision to a data set.